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 Castle / 2775
2774  |  2776
Re: Hill landscape...
Sat, 19 Feb 2000 18:45:20 GMT
684 times
James Brown wrote:

In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
I'm almost done with this hill landscaping I'm doing. It's for my first
chapter, and (due to my lack of pieces in any color, especially green) is only
3.3 studs high and approx. 32x32 in the widest places.

Has anyone done this before, and can give some tips I can draw upon to my 'lil
hill? (It's actually only a hilltop (1), but whatever)...

(some of/most of these you've probably already figured out, but it doesn't hurt
to mention them)


Use those non-hill colors(like red and blue and white)to build up the base, and
make your hill higher.  If it's not going to be visible once the model's
complete, it doesn't matter what color it is.

Of course, depending on their availabilty and the amount of time you want to take
to ue them, you might foind a younger child Duplos A) can increase heigh quickly,
and B) haev a realtively large number of green bricks.  It is probably not worth
buying them new, but if you find them at agarage sale or clearanced....

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Hill landscape...
(...) (some of/most of these you've probably already figured out, but it doesn't hurt to mention them) Vary your elevations. Don't have the top of the hill right in the middle, and don't have the sides symmetrical. Mix colors. If your selection of (...) (24 years ago, 19-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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