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Re: Preview of multi-level callouts complete with pointers
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 19:05:10 GMT
1391 times

I was thinking more about this (and I've asked Miguel to help me with the
resolution independent architecture of the new LPub features), and there are
two *different* issues here.

Issue 1:
I want to render everything in low resolution (to save time) until I get • things
they way I want, then I want to increase the resolution for the final draft,
and have everything scale accordingly.  The final draft is destined for the
web, so when I raise the resolution, I don't want the borders and callout
seperators and such to increase in size.

Issue 2:
I want to render everything in low resolution (to save time), but when I
increase the resolution for printing, I want the borders ans callout • seperators
to increase in thickness, so they look right when they are printed.

How do we address the conflict between these two wants?

This whole *resolution indepence* is a very good idea, and especially now in
the beginning of the *LPub for page layout* era, before things get too
entrenched.  But.... it is a new concept for me to deal with.

I wanted to point out that the callout facilities (which I am starting to think
of as step layout facilities), is all *post* POV production work, which means
it is instantaneous compared to POV time.  Making modifications to the post
*POV* stuff is cheap, this makes me less concerned about resolution independent
stuff.  Anyplace where I know just what to do I'm going to change right away
(like the pointers from callouts to step images.)

Many of the step-layout meta-commands just define values that are used in the
future.  This is handy because you can place these parameter setting
meta-commands at the top of your highest level model's file and they'll apply
for the rest of that file, including any sub-models it calls out.

This makes it easy to change the values after you've changed the resolution and
cranked up all your images.

I'm going to modify a few of the meta-commands to make this even more
advantageous, decreasing the *stress* related to resolution independence.

I also wanted to hint at the *next step* in LPub's rapidly changing
architecture.  Page-layout.  It shares many things with step-layout, but will
be used to combine multiple steps into a page.  Here is an example of the
page-layout facilities I want:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Preview of multi-level callouts complete with pointers
(...) I was thinking more about this (and I've asked Miguel to help me with the resolution independent architecture of the new LPub features), and there are two *different* issues here. Issue 1: I want to render everything in low resolution (to save (...) (21 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to

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