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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6593
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Re: Tore's Modulex parts in LDraw
Thu, 7 Oct 2010 22:00:21 GMT
47949 times
In, Michael Heidemann wrote:
In, Willy Tschager wrote:
Best would be submitting to the PT since we also have:


there. I cannot see any reason why we shouldn't have Modulex.

At first thought I am with you, but at second thought I feel that it should not
be on the parts tracker.
As far as I know the modulex parts do not fit in real life with the LEGO System
So the modulex is much different than the other themes listed.


I think you are right. I wouldn't mind them being on the PT, but I will not work
for it.

However, I think there should be a permanent "official" or at least
semi-official respority for them somewhere. Chris started out good, but I guess
like for me other things took over. But it would be nice with a site where users
can choose to either download the dat files one by one or in one single zip
file. And also where authors can contribute with new dat files themselves,
without waiting for the site owner to add the contributions.

I am not the man to build the framework for a site with such features. Or is
there some free place like SourceForge or this Google thingie that accepts joint
projects like that? Or would it be a proper place with some wiki whatever,
within but outside the PT? Or is there already a place where we just
can add a new sub-category?

I don't know. Anybody has any idea here?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Tore's Modulex parts in LDraw
(...) The Wiki can host the page put the upload has to be done somewhere else. You really won't try the uploader used for our CMS. A separate PT would obviously be a total different story or a new CMS. w. (14 years ago, 8-Oct-10, to
  Re: Tore's Modulex parts in LDraw
(...) How about importing them into a free source-control hosting service like Google Code or GitHub? That way anyone can contribute and download quite easily, and there's very little setup and maintenance work for anyone to do. Allen (14 years ago, 8-Oct-10, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Tore's Modulex parts in LDraw
(...) At first thought I am with you, but at second thought I feel that it should not be on the parts tracker. As far as I know the modulex parts do not fit in real life with the LEGO System Bricks. So the modulex is much different than the other (...) (14 years ago, 7-Oct-10, to

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