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Re: LEGOLAND California Ambassador Class 2010 BI
Tue, 5 Oct 2010 01:27:46 GMT
17283 times
In lugnet.cad, Joshua Delahunty wrote:
   Normally, one would have to be a LEGOLAND Ambassador Pass passholder, and sign up for the master builder session. I have asked whether the BI can be shared with Adult LEGO Enthusiasts, and I’m waiting to hear back.

In lugnet.cad, Manfred Moolhuysen wrote:
   If granted, that would be nice.

I went “through channels” and the answer is that, being an advantage of membership in the Ambassador program, I am not to share it with non-passholders, or -- indeed -- anyone at all since it’s part of their program and now out of my hands.

I’m sorry to have to report that bit of news.

   You should be warned, though, one of the perks of having an Ambassador model is having special parts included. This is, for example, the first released set with tan cheese slopes.

I’ve got no worries over this one, there are copious (and I really mean copious) amounts of tan cheese slopes in the soon to be released set #10214 - Tower Bridge

   If you look closer, there are even more special parts involved.

Tan Flag 2 x 2 Square. You’ve got me there, for the time being. It will be an (even more realistic :-) brown in my sandcastle, then. All other tan parts seem to be available, did I overlook any?

The small flag is a difficult find, yes. But it’s not the only one, unfortunately (and -- yes -- I’m being purposefully vague here). It actually gets much more difficult.

-- joshua

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGOLAND California Ambassador Class 2010 BI
(...) If granted, that would be nice. (...) I've got no worries over this one, there are copious (and I really mean copious) amounts of tan cheese slopes in the soon to be released set (URL) #10214 - Tower Bridge> (...) Tan Flag 2 x 2 Square. You've (...) (14 years ago, 31-Aug-10, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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