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L3PAdd-on 1.4.1 Release
Sat, 4 Feb 2006 22:08:44 GMT
1203 times
Wow. It's been years, but an email from Tore inspired me to actually get around
to working on a sorely-needed update for L3PAO.

Although Lars hasn't changed L3P in a while, so no new L3P features have been
added, there have been a few bugs and necessary updates that I have been
neglecting for some time.

The big news is that I've finally gotten past the limitation on the DOS command
line length (127 characters) by using a different API to shell out to L3P. Now
your command line can be as long as you want (well, 32768 bytes actually). No
more having to trim down filenames, no more having to move files around so that
the path isn't included in the command line, no more having to limit your option
selection. Now you can pretty much work with any filename/pathname and as many
of the L3P options simultaneously as you like.

The actual reason for the update was a request Tore made. L3PAO will now parse
the selected model file looking for 2 objects ("camera.dat" and "look_at.dat").
If it finds either of these objects it will use them for camera settings. We've
tested it and it seems to work.

This was a major rewrite of the code (although the front-end looks pretty much
the same) to update many old, bad practices so I expect there to be plenty of
new bugs. I've tested all aspects of the software, but I'm sure someone will
find something in some of the more obscure options that causes a problem. Feel
free to let me know if you find anything wrong.

email: L3PAO(at)

You can get the full install here:

Or if you already have a previous version of L3PAO installed, you can just grab
the newest .exe:

The web page hasn't been updated yet, hope to get to that in the next couple of



Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: L3PAdd-on 1.4.1 Release
(...) You should update the URL to check for latest L3P - it currently redirects ok to the new site but that might not last :) ROSCO (18 years ago, 4-Feb-06, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: L3PAdd-on 1.4.1 Release
Here's some other issues I've had regarding L3PAO (I wrote them down a long time ago, so I might not be able to remember exactly what I meant at the time): - Doesn't remember the last-used file correctly (always picks the first file in the (...) (18 years ago, 4-Feb-06, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: L3PAdd-on 1.4.1 Release
(...) How does this actually work? I was assuming that I take any LEGO part, copy it, and then rename it to camera.dat and to look_at.dat. For this purpose I used the her.dat file created for the helper rotation tutorial: (URL) then assumed that I (...) (18 years ago, 5-Feb-06, to lugnet.cad)

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