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Re: Voting mechanics for Classic Space contest
Tue, 28 Nov 2000 11:36:14 GMT
3226 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:
I'll need a disinterested
third-party volunteer (a non-entrant) to audit the vote accounting.

I'd be willing to do this audit. I'm disinterested... space sucks (it IS a
vacuum, of course). I may not be the best choice from a time perspective
though as I am tres busy.

Have you thought about how you'd actually audit the votes? Presumably the
voters should send a copy of their vote directly to the auditor and you
should send a copy of all the votes received to the auditor... the first
place to check for discrepancies (for the super paranoid) is to make sure
those emails match up one for one in identity and content. If they don't
something's awry.

No dimpled votes for Chad will be accepted, I assume.


Message is in Reply To:
  Voting mechanics for Classic Space contest
(...) OK, here are the details... This is a "point-based" system, so you earn points by submitting entries and spend points by voting. Voting begins after the deadline for new entries has passed. Voting ends when the last entrant has completed (...) (23 years ago, 26-Nov-00, to,  

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