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 Building / Contests / 119
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Re: Classic Space set design and building contest
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 22:29:35 GMT
3392 times
In, Tony Hafner writes:
In, Royce Fay writes:
Can I suggest one more category?

12. Mamoth Bases and/or Ships (any size, 1000 peices or more)

If this is going to happen, it should more properly be Mammoth anything-
also including walkers, ground vehicles, etc.  Also, I'd shy away from
"mammoth" including whole base complexes.  Usually a huge base consists of a
number of separate buildings which I would think should be separate entries.
Now if it is a single massive building... that's another matter and is
totally acceptable.

All my opinion of course, and totally ignoreable if you disagree or are
otherwise offended in any way.

I agree with Tony on that point -- how about instead of one big mammoth
category, submit 4 or 5 smaller models that you can optionally combine to
make a larger meta-model.

There actually was a "super-large (any size)" category originally when I was
typing up the first post, but I axed it because I wanted to stay as close to
the spirit of the original real LEGO sets as possible.  They never made any
Space set bigger than about 500-700 pieces back then.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Classic Space set design and building contest
(...) If this is going to happen, it should more properly be Mammoth anything- also including walkers, ground vehicles, etc. Also, I'd shy away from "mammoth" including whole base complexes. Usually a huge base consists of a number of separate (...) (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to,

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