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 Building / Contests / 103
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Re: Classic Space set design and building contest
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 18:59:03 GMT
4296 times
In, Mark Sandlin writes:

I knew you'd built one, Tony. But I didn't realize I gave mine the same

The name was pretty obvious... a definite descendant of both the Starfleet
Voyager and the Galaxy Explorer.

Oh, and I got dibs on the Starfleet Commander name!

But if we all try to stay highly classic, including naming conventions,
we're probably going to have a lot of name conflicts.  I don't think this is
a problem.

I've always liked yours anyway. Sort of a "cargo" version of the ship. I
don't mind the front end, since I don't think it necessarily needs all the
radar dishes and antennas, etc.

Thanks!  I'd say yours is a lot more true to the original, with all the same
paraphenaphenalalilalia (never could spell that right, but da**it- it's the
word I'm looking for!)  On the other hand, I always removed most of those
from my Starfleet Voyager anyway.

I love the fact that you used the proper clear blue 1x4x1's for the cargo
pod window- much more traditional than, say, a 1x4x3 thin-wall.  Seems like
it should be blue with yellow windows, though- it's almost exactly like the
All-Terrain Vehicle's cargo pod.  Seems like some slight modifications to
the ship would let you use a compatible pod... hmm...

Tony Hafner

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Classic Space set design and building contest
(...) <snip> (...) I almost called it that, but then I decided it wasn't enough of a "command" ship. :^) <snip> (...) Heh. I took inspiration from that pod. I thought about leaving a hole in the center-top of the rear hatch so I could attach a dish (...) (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Classic Space set design and building contest
DOH! I knew you'd built one, Tony. But I didn't realize I gave mine the same name! I've always liked yours anyway. Sort of a "cargo" version of the ship. I don't mind the front end, since I don't think it necessarily needs all the radar dishes and (...) (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to,

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