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Re: The Brick Testament - Saul and Jonathan Attack
Thu, 30 Nov 2006 20:13:36 GMT
12004 times

More Saully goodness.

Philistines Try to Keep Weapons Out of Hands of Israelites - I like how you varied the heights on Saul’s family. The tiled floor is nice in that scene, but the small square gaps are annoying. Plus there are four 1x1 plates in the very front that are slightly askew. I’m sure the minifigs would always be tripping over those. I do really like the blacksmith shop. The quoting George Bush at the end seems heavy handed.

Saul Rejected for Seeking God’s Favor - Lots of great big army scenes in this, but my favorite picture is the people hiding - particularly the well for some reason. Ooh, trans fishies! I like Saul’s sacrifice scene a lot - the balance is good between the altar, the flame, the bones and the blood on the ground.

Slaughter of the Philistines - Jonathan’s armor bearer reminds me of Patsy from the Holy Grail. Was that intentional? In the “complete accordance with your heart”, I wish there had been some way to use clickit hearts rather than the drawn-in hearts. Probably my favorite pic in this story is this one, with the guy looking at his severed hand in confusion.

Jonathan is cursed - I really like the forest scenes. The use of soft focus is really good at making it look like the forest stretches on and on. Nice honey-on-a-stick solution, but for some reason the croissants look more like a brain on the ground than a bee hive to me. In this pic the detached arm doesn’t quite work.

War on all sides - Great battle pics all around. I’m not a huge fan of the tire-heads, but the action is all great - particularly the severed amonite head and the killing of three philitines with one sword-thrust.

God Commands Amalekite Genocide - I see a couple more places where Saul would trip on his floor. Lots of ABS violence here. The scene of Saul and his army marching into town and the “No, not the children” scene are particularly well done.

Saul Rejected for Incomplete Genocide - I love the “what is that bleating and mooing I hear?” scene. I imagine Saul saying “Cattle? What cattle?” Saul’s such a weasel. The scene where he kneels is nice.

Anyway, all good stuff. Isn’t Saul getting a headache after all this killing? Time for David to make an appearance.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament - Saul and Jonathan Attack
(...) I can't believe I missed the opportunity to title my post about the first set of Saul stories "Saul About the Benjaminites". That would have been awesome. My girlfriend came up with that one a week too late. (...) Well, Saul's just starting (...) (17 years ago, 3-Dec-06, to, FTX)

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  The Brick Testament - Saul and Jonathan Attack
Seven new illustrated stories have been added to the (URL) King Saul> section of the (URL) The Brick Testament> website: (2 URLs) Try to Keep Weapons Out of Hands of Israelites> (2 URLs) Rejected for Seeking God's Favor> (2 URLs) of the Philistines> (...) (17 years ago, 28-Nov-06, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) !! 

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