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Re: The Brick Testament - All Hail King Saul!
Thu, 16 Nov 2006 16:29:23 GMT
10653 times
Hey Brendan,

Guess I’d better get right on this installment. :)

Israelites demand taxation without representation - Nice face choices for Joel and Abijah - they look related but not identical. My favorite pic in this story is Abijah accepting the bribe - great fig placement on that one. Ooh, brown beard. I’m jealous of your facial hair. I keep meaning to buy a whole bunch of those Red Bean custom beards to make a dwarven army.

Samuel anoints Saul - Nice solution for a bigger-fig. I do think square plates might look better for the feet, though. Also the head effect looks better in the photos that are taken from below, where the cape more effectively covers the gap between the head and shoulders. I like the landscaping in the second picture - while it’s flat, it does look very natural. The frenzied prophets is a good scene - nice simple solution for the harp, btw. My favorite harp of all time is Jojo’s, but yours is not dependent on rare (at least to me) hinge colors. Nice fireplace in Saul’s dad’s home. It reminds me of the fireplace from Shaun Sullivan’s great Brickington Manor.

Saul becomes king - LOL on the hiding among the baggage. The arms work well on the scene where they’re dragging him out. The gifts are nice in the last scene.

Gouged eyes - Interesting bit of information there about the missing verse. LOL on the eyepatch scene. I also like the gate of Jabesh Gilead a lot (btw, you should enter something in the Classic Castle Colossal Castle Contest).

Slaughter - Nice hero shot of Saul in the first pic - shades of Braveheart. He does seem a little laid back about his battling - he kills that one guy without even bothering to turn his head. Cute punchline scene with the “no one shall be put to death”. Saul looks a little odd to me in McGonagal’s robes, kind of like he’s cross-dressing.


Message is in Reply To:
  The Brick Testament - All Hail King Saul!
Five new illustrated stories have been added to the (URL) King Saul> section of the (URL) The Brick Testament> website, and I'm pleased to report that in this third set of stories we finally get to actually meet the namesake of this section of the (...) (17 years ago, 15-Nov-06, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) !! 

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