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Re: The Brick Testament - All Hail King Saul!
Mon, 20 Nov 2006 16:49:31 GMT
10775 times
In, Brendan Powell Smith wrote:
   Even in the scenes I did create for this story, only the Ammonite soldiers closest to the camera are fully equipt with the proper torsos, helmets, swords, and shields. The less visible an Ammonite is, the more likely he’s faking it with a different red torso, lack of sword or shield, or the wrong helmet.

Ooh, now it’s a challenge! In this scene I’m pretty sure you’re using these two torsos in the unfocused ranks:

   And then yeah, finally there’s a whole lot of non-narrative stuff, a fair amount of which I’d like to try my hand at illustrating too, especially the Revelation to John.

That’s what I’m looking forward to (i.e. poetry and prophecy). Some of my favorite parts have been when you’ve broken away from straight storytelling to illustrate things like the Law and Pauline epistles. I’m working on my own project now that involves illustrating some narrative parts and some more abstract parts, and those are definitely a creative challenge.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament - All Hail King Saul!
(...) Demonstrating your eagle eye once again, Bruce. Yes, those are the two back-up torsos I was using for the Ammonites. :) (...) I do enjoy the challenge of coming up with ways to illustrate the non-narrative, but I think I will be focusing on (...) (17 years ago, 20-Nov-06, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Brick Testament - All Hail King Saul!
(...) Thanks, Martin. (...) That's great. I kind of do consider these King Saul and King David stories to be "the good stuff" in that they are exciting stories, full of intrigue and surprises. I've been looking forward to illustrating this stuff for (...) (17 years ago, 19-Nov-06, to, FTX)

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