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Re: The Brick Testament - David vs His Own People
Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:50:44 GMT
21314 times
In, Marc Nelson Jr. wrote:
   YES! Is this the Bible or Fangoria?

I admit, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference.

   Nice shofar.

Thanks, I remembered that back when I did the Massacre of Jericho story I used only the bull horn piece as shofars, and Bruce Hietbrink pointed me toward a better solution which added the 1x1 cone. So I have to give design credit to Brickshelf user DarthMiller1.

   Neat use of the jammed into lever bases.

Of the many throne design ideas I’ve tried out, I think that’s my favorite detail. “Jammed” may not be the right word, though, as I recall they lock into place in what feels like a fairly natural fit.

   Hey Brendan, since you have a lot of babies in your illustrations, I was wondering if you had seen this nifty baby solution.

Hey, now that’s sweet! Another great MOC from Rocko, but I see even he extends design credit for the wrapped-up baby backward to FBTB member 11Numb.

Always borrow from the best, I say.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament - David vs His Own People
(...) Hey, That design was also previously used in two entries to the Colossal Castle Contest 5 - one by (URL) and another by (URL) Berger>. Bruce (16 years ago, 20-Mar-08, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Brick Testament - David vs His Own People
(URL) Is this the Bible or Fangoria? Nice (URL). Neat use of the (URL) into lever bases>. Hey Brendan, since you have a lot of babies in your illustrations, I was wondering if you had seen this (URL) nifty baby solution>. Marc Nelson Jr. (16 years ago, 19-Mar-08, to, FTX)

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