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LUGOLA proposal
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 02:21:04 GMT
4201 times
Hello fellow LA area LEGO fans

I'd like to propose the formation of LUGOLA (LEGO User Group of LA).  It'd be a
chance to meet local freaks and share creations, cause let me tell ya, seeing
LEGO in real life is better than looking at photographs.  And it's cool to know
you're not alone--let's gather ourselves.

Thanks to Peter Merryman for the name.


Message has 7 Replies:
  Re: LUGOLA proposal
(...) <snip> (...) Indeed! LOL What a great name. I had thought for a moment I was in for it cuz I wasn't allowed to take Lego elements as a radio DJ... -Tom McD. when replying, some early records (ca. 1930) were made of 20% Brazilian spamcake Note: (...) (24 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LUGOLA proposal
Count me in. I have been hoping for a LA based user group ever since I came aboard. Just lemme know where and when. Scott (24 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LUGOLA proposal
(...) sounds great! it's about time we had our own user group. (24 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LUGOLA proposal
An Los Angeles Lego User Group. Finally my prayers have been answered. I am just wondering, where is everyone located? Good Job Henry!!!...!!! Thanks for taking the first step to bringing us lego maniacs together. Teddy (24 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LUGOLA proposal
Hurray!! Henry and I where talking about this when we got together a few weeks ago. Guess he liked what he saw at my place. Lugola marinara with cheese. Sounds like a pasta dish. I'm in Santa Monica. (...) (24 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to lugnet.general)
  Date & Time? (Re: LUGOLA proposal)
Hi LA area (including OC and nearby places) LEGO fans It looks like there's a good number of us and therefore could probably make for a fun get together. So let's start planning. I suppose weekends are prime times. How about the first weekend of (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to, lugnet.announce)
  Re: LUGOLA proposal
(...) a (...) know (...) And there was much rejoicing from Tarzana! yay (24 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)

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