| | Pronunciation
I am just clueless on this one. What is the right way to pronounce "Znap" Is it "Z"-nap, Snap, or do you blend the "Z" into the "nap" for an awkward word that sounds like snap but with a "z" in place os the "s." Anyone have the answer? -Nick (like (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
(...) My personal opinion is option 3: blend the "Z" into the "nap" for an awkward word that sounds like snap but with a "z" in place os the "s." It's not that awkward once you get used to it. No more awkward than the word "awkward" itself. But what (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
(...) I wondered that too when it came out. I'd gotten to calling it "zuh-NAP" (only faster, like "synaptic nerve cell" :) Suzanne said that LEGO pronounces it "snap" (as in "snap together"). I think the Z is there in place of a would-be S for (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
Personally, I do try to adopt Danish pronunciations. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong. (Especially a Dane if you're tuning in) But this is my understanding. The Danish pronunciation is NOT with an American "Zee". I would suggest you think of it as (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
(...) That's how I pronounce it; but I'm not Dane so it doesn't mean anything ;-) (...) Well - this is definitely the way I pronounce these two. Is this new to other people? (...) Oh! In the "LEGO island" game, I recall that the opening scene had (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
(...) I've heard tell.. that a lego rep pronouced it skAY-la... so i've been saying it that way, though skAH-lah was easier to pronouce. (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
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(...) The "z" is not commonly used in Scandinavian languages. In fact, it only appears in some word "lent" from other languages. In these cases, there are no clear rules of pronunciations. In stead, each individual occurence of words with "z" in (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
(...) LEGO Denmark staff pronounces this one: skAH-lah (not SCALE-uh) -Suz (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap, lugnet.scala)
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(...) As you've probably surmised by now, there is no one answer. But I ran into a gaggle of Lego reps at the Redwood City TRU recently (there were about six of them) and they pronounce it the last way you describe: `blend the "Z" into the "nap" for (...) (25 years ago, 26-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
(...) "gaggle"? Shouldn't the collective noun for Lego reps be something like "bucket"? (Although, for a group that small, "polybag" might be more appropriate...) Ran (25 years ago, 31-May-00, to lugnet.znap)
 | | Re: Pronunciation
(...) I don't know, buckets usually have two minifigs and polybags usually just have one... :-) :-) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-00, to lugnet.znap)