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Re: 2001 Racers now at
lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 13:31:11 GMT
1457 times
In lugnet.year.2001, Damian Garcia writes:

"Aaron West" <> wrote in message
There is no relation at all.  They are a true mystery, because they look
more like something between Duplo and System (yet Duplo can work with
System!).  I sincerely hope that LEGO takes a big punch for this one • series,
perhaps it will hurt them so bad they'll ditch it after 6 months and bring
out a new series of Town (like the stuff from 1989-1996!) with no junior
instructions (One booklet per set!!) and a nice selection of multi-useful
parts that are NOT juniorized.  Just in time for X-mas 2001, too.  That is
my pipe dream.  Heck, I'd even go buy Paradisia sets on eBay for inflated
prices (not that there's anything wrong with that) than EVER buy these • 2001
Racer POOPs and BURPs (Big Ugly Racer POOPs[Piece Of Obvious Putridness])!
That is what I have to say about that.

   I get the feeling you don't like these things... =)

Do you?  These things go against the foundations that LEGO was started on.
You know, that something could be a castle, a racecar, and a spaceship in
the same day.  Hasbro could easily make these things, or Mattel.  They would
sell much better.  I get the feeling that only 4-6 year-olds will enjoy this.

It appears to be a marketing scam, too. You see, the object of the game is
like the Speed Slammer sets, sorta.  You press down on the launcher, which
shoots the Racer off.  Apparently you try to ram it into a wall(not
included) and the driver ejects.  Also, you have to race, so you need two of
the racers.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2001 Racers now at
(...) But I hope the 4-6 year-olds still enjoy the building sets better. (...) Except Speed Slammer have interesting alternate models and are good for parts. (24 years ago, 17-Dec-00, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2001 Racers now at
"Aaron West" <> wrote in message (...) series, (...) 2001 (...) I get the feeling you don't like these things... =) (24 years ago, 17-Dec-00, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general)

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