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Re: New 2001 Lego Racers
lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 21:03:29 GMT
965 times
In lugnet.year.2001, Chris Maddison writes:
I just got my Nov.-Dec. Mania magazine in the mail yesterday, and inside was
an ad for the new Lego Racers.  Y'know, those ugly little critters we saw
artist's conceptions of (in the 2001 catalog, I believe).  Well, they have
the actual sets in there, and they are horrendous.  I think each one is made
up of 7 pieces.  The driver-piece-thing, the 2 car body pieces, and the
bumper/frame  piece, and 4 wheels.  And there's some kind of a launcher too.
I'm betting they'll charge at least $4 for one of these.  Prolly $6.

Looks like they are after the "mum, can I have that ?" market.
Cheap enough for the parent to give in, and look there is 8 in the set.
All getting very HTO/Impulse purchase orientated.
It's worked for fast food retaurants/breakfast cereal makers.

Is that two new greens in 'scratch' and 'loopin' ?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New 2001 Lego Racers
(...) "Collect All 8?" Whatever happened to good old "Get the one you like best, and build something new if you get bored?" (24 years ago, 11-Nov-00, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  New 2001 Lego Racers
I just got my Nov.-Dec. Mania magazine in the mail yesterday, and inside was an ad for the new Lego Racers. Y'know, those ugly little critters we saw artist's conceptions of (in the 2001 catalog, I believe). Well, they have the actual sets in there, (...) (24 years ago, 11-Nov-00, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general)

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