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 Western/Wild West / 614
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Re: Buffalos
lugnet.western, lugnet.gaming
Wed, 8 May 2002 01:53:58 GMT
4458 times
In lugnet.western, Don Cox writes:
I have been going through the Brikwars chapters and I cannot find a
reference to horses.  What is their movement rate and damage factor.

All the info you could want about horses can be found in Chapter Nine of the
2001 edition:

I'm not any kind of an expert on buffalos but I figure the stats for Draft
Horses would be a good place to start:

Draft Horse: CP:10  Mv:8"  Pwr:4  Sk:1d6-2  IQ:Trained  AV:2d6

Kicks with the front or back legs do 4d6 Stun Damage.
Bites do 1d6 Damage.  Both attacks have a UR of 2.

I'm not sure if buffalo are nimble enough to kick and bite effectively or if
they'd just have to rely on some kind of ramming and trampling attacks.

- Mike.


Message is in Reply To:
I have been going through the Brikwars chapters and I cannot find a reference to horses. What is their movement rate and damage factor. Also I downloaded a pix of a buffalo many moons ago and I don't know who is the original builder to give credit (...) (23 years ago, 7-May-02, to lugnet.western)

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