Matt Nourot wrote:
> In lugnet.trains, Tom Stangl writes:
> > In lugnet.trains, Paul Sinasohn writes:
> > > In lugnet.trains, Tom Stangl writes:
> > > <SNIP>
> > >
> > > Tom, there were 4 or 5 on sale at the San Mateo ZB last Friday.
> > >
> > > Paul Sinasohn
> >
> > When I called this morning, they said they were not on sale, they were
> > $149.99. I asked them if they were sure, as other ZBs had flyers for them
> > being on sale at $99.99, and they insisted that they were not on sale. I think
> > they also said there was only 1 left.
> The ZB in Dublin, CA had 6 left this afternoon.
> BTW the sales clerk didn't know that this set requires the speed regulator.
> Hope no kid ends up with one of these on Christmas morning and won't be able to
> use it.
Hmm, the two Zany Brainys here have several signs up advertising the
speed controller for $19.95 when purchased at the same time as 4565. Of
course a parent in a hurry might not notice that, but then I would never
expect the register clerk during the Christmas rush to point out this
defficiency, even if they were aware of it. Sure it would be nice for
the register clerk to know this, but Zany Brainy is a large enough store
that you can't expect every employee to be knowledgeable about every
product sold in the store.
followups to lugnet.off-topic.debate
Frank Filz
Work: mailto:ffilz@us.ibm.com (business only please)
Home: mailto:ffilz@mindspring.com
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: 4565 is $50 off at Zany Brainy
| (...) think (...) The ZB in Dublin, CA had 6 left this afternoon. BTW the sales clerk didn't know that this set requires the speed regulator. Hope no kid ends up with one of these on Christmas morning and won't be able to use it. (25 years ago, 16-Dec-99, to lugnet.trains)
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