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 Trains / 2890
    Re: Building Bridges —James Powell
    (...) A lift bridge or a draw bridge? (...) Why would you use mindstorms to control the bridge except perhaps as a aproach sensor? It's easier to do that with manual blocks, than with electronics. Although, I suppose you could get it to work fine. (...) (25 years ago, 26-Nov-99, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Building Bridges —Jeff Elliott
   (...) Lift Bridge. I'm actually on my second version; the first was lifted by long chain-link chains and powered from the top of the towers. It only carried a single track, and the deck was quite light, and a little flimsy. I ran into difficulty (...) (25 years ago, 28-Nov-99, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Building Bridges —James Powell
    (...) I'm using strings, and have problems with them not winding evenly. This then causes one side or another to be higher than the other. End to end isn't too bad, but I did not leave in any way to ajust a single string save much hassle at one (...) (25 years ago, 29-Nov-99, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Building Bridges —John Morgan
     (...) Hee Hee This reminds me of the original Adam's Family. Gomez and his trains. I would imagine a Lego crash would be much more ... ummm...entertaining(?) than an HO scale train crash, of course leaving out the explosives<grin> or not ..... John (25 years ago, 29-Nov-99, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Building Bridges —Jeff Elliott
   (...) If you use the chain links, you don't get the offset problem. Drape them over a driving gear and let the tail ends hang free (ie: don't wind them up) That version of the bridge was powered from the centre of the connecting truss at the top, (...) (25 years ago, 30-Nov-99, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Building Bridges —Christopher Masi
   (...) Jeff, Thanks for the idea for adjusting the height of one side of the bridge. I have been using crown gears to send power to both sides of my bridge. When the dogs kick it over it is a pain to adjust. You locked the drive axels together using (...) (25 years ago, 30-Nov-99, to lugnet.trains)

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