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Re: Modified LEGO race train motor (it's a screamer)
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 18:38:47 GMT
851 times
Awwww, I got ya. When you were saying "power to the track" before I kept
thinking electrical power, but now I understand what you are thinking. Very
interesting concept and I agree with you that maybe there should be an
unlimited division to include ideas such as this and any others that people
can think of.

I will go back and work on the definitions a bit and try to make it a bit
more clear, but yes the Modified classes apply to modified LEGO train motors
while an Unlimited class would cover basicly anything that could run down
the rails even if no train motors or parts are envolved.

So taking Larry's idea a step beyond, you could build a technic frame that
houses a standard RC car engine and a battery pack, have a speed regulator
inside that is powered by the track, so once power is applied to the track
it will cause the regulator to power the RC motor using the power from the
battery pack, thus giving you one fast a$$ racer....of course stopping could
become an issue. This type of setup would have to be a part of the
"Unlimited" class.

Thanks Larry for bringing this up, I will try to make the rules on the web
site a bit more clear.


In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.trains, James Trobaugh writes:
MSE allows the racer to modify the standard LEGO train engine pretty much
anyway that they want. The track will not be modified and will still only
supply the standard 9volt current. So the racer must keep that in mind and
design his/her modifications so that it will operate on stock LEGO track
with stock controllers. The adding of other power sources such as batteries
is allowed as long as it is isolated from the electrical system of the
track, the judges have the final say on what is allowed to run. (no flamible
power sources are allowed)

And yes MSE (Modified Single Engine) is single engine, there is a MME class
that is for modified multiple engines.

A more general list of the rules can be found at


thanks... I had already reviewed those when I asked.

What exactly is a "modified train motor" ??

Here's a hypothetical to make it clearer what I am asking.

Suppose I construct something that can get 9v power from the track (wipers,
a gutted 9V motor perhaps, whatever) and mount a large electric motor on my
chassis... suppose that it transmits power to the rails via large rubber
tyres. (maybe from one of the super car sets?) Presumably it uses train
wheels for guidance but in this case, not for power transmission

Suppose that by volume, by weight and by dollar cost metrics I am over 50%
LEGO in every case. Suppose also that this contraption runs fine on the
stock racing setup, with no clearance problems or no requirement to modify
the track.

Does that entry fit the MSE definition? There is vagueness in that definition.
this hypothetical entry does not use a train motor at all (unless you count
the gutted motor used as a power pickup.. suppose that's not there at all
and wipers are used to get the power)

I'm thinking maybe it does NOT fit that definition... it would instead need
to be in the "unlimited" class where anything goes (but which you do not yet

Hope that helps.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Modified LEGO race train motor (it's a screamer)
Whoa. What YOU describe is even more radical. My hypothetical is powered by the 9V supplied by the rails. It just uses some other sort of 9V motor, transmitting motion to the rails some other way than a train motor body/gearing. YOUR hypothetical is (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jul-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Modified LEGO race train motor (it's a screamer)
(...) What exactly is a "modified train motor" ?? Here's a hypothetical to make it clearer what I am asking. Suppose I construct something that can get 9v power from the track (wipers, a gutted 9V motor perhaps, whatever) and mount a large electric (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jul-02, to lugnet.trains)

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