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Re: Curator for lugnet.trains
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 17:58:24 GMT
796 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.trains, Scott Arthur writes:
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.trains, Scott Arthur writes:
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
What sorts of things do folks want to see on the trains front page?

Please mail me with your thoughts, as I've just assumed the curator role.
Probably best not to clutter the discussion with suggestions unless you
think they merit discussion themselves, just send them on in.

Note this request...

Mostly I am thinking update the representative/showcase sites (I already
removed mine, it's dated) and add more informational links...


The current page has some missing data.

Such as what?

"Will Chapman’s LEGO® Site (Link??)"

When I got it, there was no link there. I added the (Link?) so that if
people have the link they would send it to me. Like I said, it's going to
get waxed if I don't get a link for it soon.

"Neat images of the (mumble time period)"

This is a bit of an inside joke because I have not decided how frequently I
will be able to update this. So instead of saying "of the week", it gets a

My point exactly! New users/readers are confronted with inside jokes
masquerading as sloppy editing. Welcome to LUGNET!

There's nothing missing that wasn't missing when I took it on.
I've a mind to remove Will's link if no one comes forth with a correction
for it as it's a bit dated. Other than that everything is correct AFAIK.
Certainly if you or anyone else knows of particular factual errors and have
corrections, please send them in.

Perhaps you should consider tidying up the existing page, and making changes
offline/elsewhere until you have a professional looking effort for the group
to consider?

Is that how you do the pages *you* curate? Drop me a note with the URL of
one of your curated FTX pages and I'll check it out and learn from your
example. Thanks for the offer of mentorship, it's certainly appreciated.

What is your point? What is wrong with my suggestion?

My point is that if you have a curated page I would love to see it, I've
never used FTX for much of anything and can benefit from constructive
practical suggestions, if they are on offer. Are you a curator of anything?

Do I have to be to make a suggestion? Can you check the TOS for me?

If you are inexperienced with FTX, I would suggest (again) that you post
trial pages for inspection. What is the big deal?

If you're just sniping, take it elsewhere, or to email, but quite seriously
if you have practical experience I am all ears.

So you ask for suggestions. Now it turns out that you only want suggestions
from "curators". ho hum.

I have made my suggestion - reject it if you wish. I'm not going to bicker
with you on this.

Scott A

Doing the work offline is certainly worthy of consideration but the way I'm
doing it is to modify the page as I get notes about what to add (and I have
gotten several already, thank you all very much). Less labor intensive that
way than keeping an offline copy

Take the lazy path if you wish, I'm sure newcomers will appreciate it. I
thought what I was suggesting was commonsense. It appears not.

My offline mail suggests that others have a rather different view of your
motives in suggesting anything, actually.

(which, since it isn't HTML, can't just be
tested in any old browser, it has to be tested here on LUGNET).

Indeed. But why test it on the train page?

Because that's where the *data* is already. When you make changes you get a
preview button. Press that button and you get to see what your changes look
like. If you like them, press save, If not, continue editing and press
preview again, or abandon by pressing cancel.

So that's what I do. I don't copy the text to some other page and work it
there, I edit in place. That seems to be the FTX paradigm. Each change you
see in the page (and I made one in another window while I was composing this
post to add Jake's site) may be the result of several cycles of edit. (it
was, I got the URL spec wrong on the first try)

It's not like HTML where you keep it in your local folder and view it in a
browser, the editing happens ON the page itself. Working offline just isn't
very practical, as far as I can see. If you have a scheme that you've
developed for editing FTX offline I'd love to hear about it.

FUT admin.general (the group I think is the best for discussing effective
use of FTX, although I welcome further redirect if there is a better one)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Curator for lugnet.trains
(...) Yet another reason to give thanks today. Julie (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Curator for lugnet.trains
(...) Note this request... (...) When I got it, there was no link there. I added the (Link?) so that if people have the link they would send it to me. Like I said, it's going to get waxed if I don't get a link for it soon. (...) This is a bit of an (...) (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.admin.general)

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