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Re: Just got back from GATS...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 00:39:00 GMT
72 times
Sorry, I forgot to cross-post to .trains.

In, Steve Bliss writes:
This should probably have some kind of official announcement/write up, but I
can't wait:

We took 1st place! :)

Of course, that's really no big deal, since we had the largest display, with
the most track, the most rolling stock, and the most scenery, and the most
superlatives.  Not to be immodest, or anything.

I'm very thrilled, even as a very minor contributor to the display.
Everyone did an awesome job!

Sunday pix are coming soon.

Steve (the real Steve, not Jason posting from my computer with my permission).

Message is in Reply To:
  Just got back from GATS...
This should probably have some kind of official announcement/write up, but I can't wait: We took 1st place! :) Of course, that's really no big deal, since we had the largest display, with the most track, the most rolling stock, and the most scenery, (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to !! 

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