Re: Just got back from GATS...
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 14:22:14 GMT
674 times
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> The way things were set up, our display tended to be the first thing people
> would see. We had a small information table in front, on it was a 4561
> chugging around its oval loop. Small children (and not-so-small) would
> notice the 4561 first, and then they'd see what lay beyond (we frequently
> had to point out the main display; the little train doing loops was
> apparently very fascinating).
> We got more than a few "Oh my god!"s when people saw the real layout. :)
This was much the same as in Novi--there too we were the first thing people
saw, and kids would run up to the 4561 and go "Cool!!!" and then ask, "Are
you going to run it?" I'd have to tell them, "Sorry, we don't have power
over here--but we're running those trains..." and point behind my back. The
kids' eyes would get larger than dinner plates, their jaws would hit the
floor, and then they'd claw past each other to the real display...
The GR show was a great time and I'm glad I decided to go out there for the
first half! Steve, thanks so much for you and your wife's hospitality with
the food and all, and thanks to everyone else for their hard work and great
I've already got a "short list" of what I want to build for the next show,
-City Hall
-IHOP (do you know what that is now, Scott??)
-Radio Station
-Play Place for the McDonald's (I was going to anyhow and a kid Saturday
morning said, as I was showing him the interior, "but there's no slide!!!")
-Frank Lloyd Wright-style house
Bigger and better every time!!!
Message has 3 Replies: | | Re: Just got back from GATS...
| (...) Isn't it great the way kids notice stuff like that? When the GMLTC does shows (which isn't very often, we know) we usually talk to the kids before we talk to their parents. Kids are so much more fun to talk to! The 'standard' reply when they (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to
| | | Re: Just got back from GATS...
| (...) ---...--- Hey Peter, While your fixing the Mc Ds I thought it would be cool to have a small parking lot and a road for the drive though. (Just a thought) Im going to make a power plant and a logging facility, and maybe some more misc. office (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to
| | | Re: Just got back from GATS...
| To All, (...) Indeed. Maybe we should let the kids play with it a little. I am sure they would like it. Or have that display table one of the groups did a few weeks past, have the bunch of parts, and have them build their own, and let them run it. (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to
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| | Re: Just got back from GATS...
| (...) The way things were set up, our display tended to be the first thing people would see. We had a small information table in front, on it was a 4561 chugging around its oval loop. Small children (and not-so-small) would notice the 4561 first, (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to
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