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Speculation on the 'July Surprise'
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 18:10:09 GMT
! (details)
772 times
I'll bet there will be no trains in this, but here goes...

Given LEGO's recent product announcements, here is something we might expect
from LEGO® for their July Surprise,

1. A reissue of 4561 with green windows instead of blue.
2. A Bionicle trainset (featuring that skateboarding expert on the box,
thumbs up and smiling)
3. All new Scooby-Doo theme (the Mystery Machine will be juniorized), hey we
know that LEGO® might try to jump on this bandwagon too.
4. Expansion of LEGO® Wear, to seriously compete with the likes of Levi's
and similar brands. (Imagine having a brick on your butt)
5. All new 25-piece City Center sets (including the Hell's Angels on
6. New version of LEGO® Island (can't wait for that one!)
7. And finally a reissue of classic DUPLO® sets.

...we can just keep dreaming about this one now!

Harvey Henkelman-Certified Ferroequinologist

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Speculation on the 'July Surprise'
In lugnet.trains, Harvey Henkelman writes: 3. All new Scooby-Doo theme (the Mystery Machine will be juniorized), hey we (...) What's the deal with this, anyway? Outside of hardcore stoners, I've never met anyone who actually like Scooby-Doo except (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jun-01, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Speculation on the 'July Surprise'
(...) Ahem....Stop right there... <snip OT stuff> -John FUT (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jun-01, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Speculation on the 'July Surprise'
I bet there'll be a Lego Zeppelin set complete with CD. About .1% take-up and that'll be me! Harvey Henkelman <> wrote in message (...) expect (...) we (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jun-01, to lugnet.trains)

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