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Melting point of LEGO (was Re: Result after testrun)
Fri, 11 May 2001 22:13:07 GMT
671 times
In lugnet.trains, Lester Witter writes:
In lugnet.trains, Sonnich Jensen writes:

The URL you gave is a "back button trap"
once you load the page you can not back out (Netscape)

It traps Internet Explorer too - rather annoying.

I do find the "custom weight bricks" quite interesting.  I'm guessing
you just poured some molten lead into the bottom?  Reflex reaction
is that "it'll melt the LEGO", but obviously the melting point of lead
(relatively low I know) is below that of ABS.  Very interesting.

Given that few of us have a home smelter, have you consider making
many of these and selling them?  Assuming the price was reasonable
(both to you and to buyers) I expect you'd have many buyers.
I'd certainly be interested in some.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Melting point of LEGO (was Re: Result after testrun)
Steve Chapple <> wrote in message (...) hmmm... try it from for IE you can use the back button on the menubar (the little down arrow to the right of the button) and select (...) (24 years ago, 11-May-01, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Melting point of LEGO (was Re: Result after testrun)
Steve Chapple <> wrote in message (...) I was just thinking of making some standard blocks for 2x2 bricks with cuts to the still could fit in any 2xX brick. If you I can make a form for that. (24 years ago, 11-May-01, to lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Result after testrun
(...) The URL you gave is a "back button trap" once you load the page you can not back out (Netscape) (24 years ago, 11-May-01, to lugnet.trains)

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