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 Trains / *22980 (-5)
  Re: Moonbase: Starting to put up the rail standard
(...) This is going to be impossible to nail down until an actual layout is done at NWBrickCon (hope I spelled that right). Some modules don't have connectors on all sides. I think that someone should take track at NWBC and use it to eyeball trouble (...) (21 years ago, 16-Sep-03, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: Moonbase: Starting to put up the rail standard
(...) That's great and all but most people don't commute to work in mining carts : P We can live with the height, I guess, but what about the width ? An eight stud wide road isn't even wide enough to get realistic cargo containers through : ( 10 (...) (21 years ago, 16-Sep-03, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: Moonbase: Starting to put up the rail standard
(...) Agreed...I have a couple sets of train wheels...(but no motors or modern track) maybe I'll make a sample train car. --Bram (21 years ago, 16-Sep-03, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: Moonbase: Starting to put up the rail standard
"Xanthra47" <> wrote in message (...) Now that I disagree with. I don't think the standard should bend because we need tall trains. Just make em short. Like Larry said, even some mining carts are (...) (21 years ago, 16-Sep-03, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: Moonbase: Starting to put up the rail standard
Yeah. I'll retract those two rules. They are too limiting. I tried to build a sample train/corridor model and it just doesn't fit : ( I think if we're going to do trains we need to revisit the corridor height/setback again. Even the new 10 brick (...) (21 years ago, 16-Sep-03, to, lugnet.trains)

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