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 Trains / *22760 (-10)
  Re: Remote Switch plan
(...) Does that require switch modification? The rtlToronto gang(1) had not one but TWO boffo powered points designs (using clutch gears) that did not require internal switch modification, they had torque to burn and easily threw unmodified switches (...) (21 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: New train MOC and Orange passenger car
(...) Hi Ludo, thanks for doing this posting about this orange train. Although you made me loosing a bet (luckiely for me the bet was just about being right or wrong). We were talking about your nice train creations yesterday at late afternoon in (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: New train MOC and Orange passenger car
In lugnet.trains, Ludo Soete wrote: [snip] (...) (URL) typical case of forgetting to copy the second link, and so pasting the first link twice. It happened to all of us. (...) Can't you use, at least partially, Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top also? (the (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Question to all the other train clubs
Several people have already offered advice, and they are no doubt more experienced, but maybe I can offer a newcomer's view. (...) If some of your members have lost interest in the club, lose interest in them in turn. Let them live their own life. (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to, FTX)
  Re: New train MOC and Orange passenger car
(...) Hi Jeroen, You made also a nice version of this kind of train (type R06). Note that the second car's different from the first one in real live! I notice also the use of the curved track in your rendering, great! Now i see someone who use it, (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: NILTC Show at Illinois Railway Museum - Aug 15-17 and Aug 23-24
(...) Gosh, I'm tired. I meant this last parenthetical to mean ... "this was a problem, since they were being so disruptive." -Tim (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to,
  Re: NILTC Show at Illinois Railway Museum - Aug 15-17 and Aug 23-24
(...) Ohh, I wish that was our problem :-) There's a mentally handicapped child who is at one of our shows every year. He really loves the trains, but is quite loud and disruptive - and his parents have difficult time controlling him. One of our (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to,
  Re: NILTC Show at Illinois Railway Museum - Aug 15-17 and Aug 23-24
(...) You've had problems with guest trains in the past? Do tell! The only problems the GMLTC has had recently is when a kid brought his Hogwart's Express. We're so used to running our 8-wide trains - they require almost full throttle - we ran his (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to,
  Re: NILTC Show at Illinois Railway Museum - Aug 15-17 and Aug 23-24
(...) Well, we discourage "guest trains" from the audience, simply because we had a rather unique experience with a kid whose trains we offered to run. BUT - if you're an established member of an established train club, I don't see how running your (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to,
  Re: NILTC Show at Illinois Railway Museum - Aug 15-17 and Aug 23-24
(...) What is the NILTC club policy on "guest trains"? If someone were to say, make a road trip, and brought a train (8-wide, of course) - could they run it on your layout? Great pics, btw - lots and lots of fun 'eye candy', and great work modelling (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to,

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