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 Trains / *22600 (-5)
  Industry Building Diorama...
One rainy Sunday a few weeks back, I was breaking down my club display mountain section. In the section I have a small industry building and I couldn’t bust it up without getting some more picture. Then I decided to added some track and some train (...) (21 years ago, 2-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)  
  Re: Updated Container Stats (Was: 2003 LTC Container swap)
(...) Hmm, the only thing that I can point to that has caused them to look at my LEGO was transporting 12v transformers (which have a huge block of metal). On the other hand, I have not packed unbuilt bricks. I think anything large and dense will (...) (22 years ago, 1-Aug-03, to
  Final NGLTC open house (closing down the clubhouse)
This Sunday (August 3rd) will be the final public display at the Discover Mills "clubhouse". This is your last chance to come and visit the NGLTC at the Discover Mills Mall. The display will be open from noon till around 4pm. We will be moving out (...) (22 years ago, 1-Aug-03, to,, lugnet.general)
  NCLTC to display at South Hills Mall March 1st and 2nd in Raleigh, NC
This weekend, August 2nd and 3rd, the North Carolina LEGO Train Club (NCLTC) will have our layout on display at the Great American Train Show at the Raleigh Civic and Convention Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. The show is open from 10 AM until (...) (22 years ago, 1-Aug-03, to lugnet.announce,, lugnet.trains,, lugnet.trains,,,
  Re: Caledonian OF-Class 0-4-0 for the hard of recognising...
(...) Exactly, they're all part of the Americas, so what's your point? Next you'll be boasting about a Mexican team being allowed in. Big deal. ;-) Jason R (22 years ago, 1-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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