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Recent MOCs in lugnet.trains

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Due to other commitments the sidebar will no longer be updated with new MOCs.

• Click here for previous MOCs from lugnet.trains

RailBricks Issue 8
RailBricks Issue 8

What is hot in lugnet.trains

Check out the Save 9V Trains website

Check out the Hobby Train section of the S@H Factory website.

Train shows in lugnet.trains

This section is now longer updated, but here are some previous ones

Getting started

If you’re interested in posting here but aren’t sure how here are some useful links: Sign up to lugnet (you need to do this to be able to post), FTX guide (for adding images and italics etc.)

Links & Resources

Have you checked out the Trains section of BrickWiki yet?

• Click here for a page of useful Lego® and real train links and resources.

A thread on bogie/truck designs

-------------------------------- Inspiration and Cool MOCs

Sivan Toledo joining of RC and blue rails
Sivan Toledo joining of RC and blue rails

Dan Aubin’s LDD designs
Dan Aubin’s LDD designs

STidy’s Rowland Emett engines
STidy’s Rowland Emett engines

Ken Nagel’s Fairmont Speeder
Ken Nagel’s Fairmont Speeder

• Click here for older inspiration and cool MOCs!

Take a Poll!

Ideal trainsets - Tim
9V Track Geometry - Lar
Line extensions - Robin

The curators for lugnet.trains are Tim David, Tim Gould, and Jordan Schwarz. Any suggestions for links or improvements? Then mail us!

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lugnet.trains– Train mania: products (information, opinions, reviews, etc.); building (settings, contexts, characters, projects, models and modeling, layouts, plans, tools, tips, etc.); inspiration (ideas, movies, books, literature, magazines, music, historical events, etc., as they relate to LEGO); clubs/events; etc.

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  Re: Santa Fe Super Chief Train Engine Registry
(...) Hello, not sure if anyone will read this but this is being posted on nov 4th 2024, i heard about this thread from a youtube video and i discovered a limited edition super cheif from a collection i found a BricksandMinifigs Gresham Oregon, it (...) (5 months ago, 4-Nov-24, to lugnet.trains)  
  Kevin Loch Memorial
Nevermind the timelapse from my last post; I’m slowly coming back to documenting our club’s activities here on LUGNET. Well, we lost a seminal AFOL this past June: Brickshelf creator, Kevin Loch. I remember back to the days when Brickshelf was THE (...) (6 months ago, 14-Sep-24, to, lugnet.trains, lugnet.people, FTX)
  Re: Tim Gould's NY Subway remaster in lego
(...) [snip broken links] (...) Hi, a brief google search led me here: https://www.reddit.c..._2024free/ Not so impressive. But life at Lugnet: that is good news! :-) Ben (7 months ago, 28-Aug-24, to lugnet.trains) ! 
  Re: Tim Gould's NY Subway remaster in lego
(...) Discord only retains these kind of URLs for a short time. The actual images are still in Discord. I'd also love to look at these pictures! (7 months ago, 15-Aug-24, to lugnet.trains)

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