Set Reference
Set Reference (Popup)
Parts Reference
News (Trains)
Links & Resources
Lugnet LEGO® Set Database
All System/Trains
4.5V Trains
12V Trains
9V Trains
Duplo Trains
More Duplo Trains
Duplo/Explore Intelli-Trains
Hogwarts Express
Hogwarts Express 2004
Official Set Histories by Ben Beneke
LEGO® Train history - Blue Era
LEGO® Train history - Grey Era
LEGO® Train history - New (9v) Era
FAQ Pages
LEGO® train FAQ List of Links
A few terms from the LEGO® site
A few more terms from Larrys site
Libraries, Reference Guides and How-tos
Jason Railtons tips for successful train displays
The BrickWiki
Trains section
Official LEGO® Train Site
ILTCO Library - LOTS of great resources
Track Geometry page by Bill Ward
Thomas and Friends in LEGO® and DUPLO® by Russell Robert Clark
Santa Fe(tm) Super Chief(tm) registry by the NGLTC
Motorizing 9V switch points by Phillipe Label
DCC for LEGO® trains by Tom Cooke
LDCC using the RCX by Mark Riley
Bricks-On-The-Brain - MOC Instructions, Train Category
Ideas for building animals (important to any well rounded display)
DigitalBricks - Computer renderings of official sets an MOCS
Dave Koudys Trains pages, lots of switch motor designs, DCC and similar
Ross Crawfords reduced file size BBB wheels for LDraw
Other Sources of Lego Train Related Stuff
Getting Started with LEGO Trains by Jake McKee
Big Ben Bricks Custom train wheels
LEGO® Trains Links Pages
Franks LEGO® Train Links Page
Matts Links to other LEGO® train sites
LEGO® Train Organizations and Activities
Newsgroup and directory
LUGNET newsgroup
The International LEGO Train Club Organization
Rail Racers
Drag Racing LEGO Trains
Many US clubs exhibit at GATS shows
Another show vendor (big in the NE USA)
Inspirational Sites by Individuals
Ben Benekes World of ABS train pages
James Mathis Brickshelf Gallery
Non-LEGO Train Sites
BNSF 2256
The real version of the 10133 set
CSX doublestacks
Pictures of vehicles like set 10170
Directory of World Wide Rail Sites
National Model Railroad Association
TrainWeb (commercial organization)
Engine Shop
North American paint scheme reference pages
Kalmbach website with proto and model info LEGO section
Articles, many written by US!
Links to two sources of decals
American Steam Locomotive Wheel Arrangements
Extreme Steam
Unusual Variations on The Steam Locomotive
online photo database
Trainiax - Michael Ebys Train Homepage
Lots of modern US drawings and color diagrams site site
(great European train reference site)
Indian Railways Fan Club Association
(great Indian train reference site)
Santa Fe(r) Super Chief(tm)
(consists in models and some prototype info)
Classic US Railroad fonts and flags plus much more (not free)
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