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 Technic / Bionicle / 878
  Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles
(...) I meant my total count of masks from all polybags I have purchased. Just checking back my stats for the first 37 polybags purchased they are:- TURAGA/TOA - 28 polybags with one each TURAGA/TURAGA - 5 polybags with both TURAGA TOA/TOA - 4 (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles
(...) I was pondering this exact thing this weekend. Here in Southern California, I have purchased most of my boxed mask packs from TRU and every box I bought from them has been 1 toa and 1 turaga, so I figured that was the way it was to be. Then on (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles
"Scott Costello" <> wrote in message (...) California, (...) Aren't you paying a premium price for those at TRU? My TRU has them listed at 2.99 insatead of 1.99. I figured if you buy 3 or more (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles
(...) It's $2.99 at the Colorado TRU, too. isn't that a ripe? I also saw Mauka and Kane-Ra for $79.99 when it's only $69.99 in the catalog. But if you add S&H than you might get it near even. (23 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles
(...) Hey, in Manhattan TRU they are $3.29 for 2x masks. Toa are $7.99, but I really had to have some right away. (23 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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