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 Technic / Bionicle / 1167
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Re: Strange parts in Nui-Rama set
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 19:52:32 GMT
737 times
My guess is they're simply a new way to store rubber bands.  Instead of
putting them in a bag, they're putting them on this rubber band holder gizmo
thing now.


In lugnet.technic.bionicle, John Burns writes:
Does anybody know what the two extra dark grey pieces in the Nui-Rama set
are for? I can't find them in the instructions anywhere. The rubber bands
were wrapped around them when I took them out of the box. It looks like the
part number on them is 41752, but I can't find them in any of the
references. It's difficult to describe what the pieces look like so I
thought I could do a text drawing and have everyone use the 'View Raw
Message' option to see it lined up. So here goes.

Long Side     Short Side     Top

-----       -----           _______
|   |         |             ||   ||
--()-()--      |||           | |   | |
|     |        |             ||   ||
-------      -----           -------

Maybe a little description will help. On the long side it looks like it has
3 levels. The top and bottom levels are like 'feet' with 'treads' on the
outer surfaces (the top tread facing up, the bottom facing down). The bottom
'foot' is the larger of the two. The middle level is like a more narrow
'foot' but with no treads. This level has two connector peg holes
side-by-side through it (illustrated by the parenthesis).

So with that long and most likely unnecessary explanation, does anyone know
what these pieces are? Aside from that, does anyone have any creatives uses
for the pieces?

John Burns

Message is in Reply To:
  Strange parts in Nui-Rama set
Does anybody know what the two extra dark grey pieces in the Nui-Rama set are for? I can't find them in the instructions anywhere. The rubber bands were wrapped around them when I took them out of the box. It looks like the part number on them is (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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