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 Technic / 8804
8803  |  8805
lugnet.general, lugnet.technic
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 16:09:48 GMT
225 times
"Avi Parvin" <> wrote in message
The lack of airtank or compressor just mean that we have to work harder to
operate it - will anyone refuse to buy it because of this? Will anyone
resist the temptation to add an airtank AND a compressor to this set? • (Don't
forget a differential and 6 cylinders engine.).

When the set is avaiable I will buy a few sets and try everything :)
(Hope there is a tank in the set, because I dont have one yet)
The fun with Lego models is that there is a possibility to change the
orginal model and add more stuff to it or make it better or more fun or just
better looking.

These two sets define the only way that the Technic theme can go by: More.
More wheels (8454), more pneumatics (8455). Lego had covered almost all • the
mechanical features in the past, now things can get only bigger. However,
there are three types of vehicles that Lego didn't produce in the past, • and
will probably introduce in the next couple of years:

Larger sets will almost always means that they have more rooms for more
techincal gadget like doors opening with pnaumatic, steering on more wheels,
piston engine, transmission gear box, cranes and so on. And THAT is what I
like!!  :)

> Finally, two personal points, which I would like to add here: First, for
about two month I have a huge (75cm), 8 wheels chassis sitting on my Lego
shelves, waiting to be the next ultimate Airtech-something. Now Lego has
it's own first 8 wheeler. Mine, by the way, is a twin-steer chassis, with
all wheels drive (7 differentials!) and independent suspensions. Did I
mentions that is has the 8466 wheels?

HEEY!! Stolen my idea?  :)
I have a (for now) a 6 wheel drive chassis with 8466 wheels. Mine is not
twin steer. But probably have to add it to make room for more technical
gadget like a few motors and pnaumatic controllers for the crane.
I've also have drive on all wheels and independent suspension for each
wheel. My problem now is to make a BIG vehicle as small as possible... You
probably dont understand what I mean, but there is a few things like
difrential and independ suspensions that togheter is hard to make in small
size. So thats is exactly what I'll try to do  :)
Here is what I got so far:

Øyvind Steinnes

Message has 1 Reply:
"Øyvind Steinnes" <> wrote in message (...) You get one with this: (URL) (22 years ago, 8-Jan-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic)

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Hello all, After reading all the threads of the original message, I would like to contribute my 2 cents, (before I’ll gladly give them, along with few hundred dollars more to Lego). 8454 – Funny how the more ugly set got more responds than the other (...) (22 years ago, 6-Jan-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic)

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