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 Technic / 8803
8802  |  8804
lugnet.general, lugnet.technic
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 15:31:08 GMT
Adrian Egli <adr.egli@att.=StopSpam=net>
212 times
"Avi Parvin" <> wrote in message
Hello all,

<snipped a lot>

2. Family car. The legendary 853 was the only large scale family car, not
supercar. Unlike the real life, for Lego, supercars are easier to design
than family cars, because of the engine location (a problem that was • solved
only in 1999 with the 8448), the doors (the only door that Lego know how • to
design is gullwing door) and the size of it (based on the 8448, a Lego
family car would probably be ~60cm long, with more than 1500 pieces).

Th family car is an idea I like to see more of too.  But, let's take a
moment to look at the auto manufactures and market consists of in the real
world:  the SUV.

I recently went to an auto show here in San Diego.  There were the ''to be
expected'' stuff, sedans, pick-ups, sports cars, etc.  Many of the car
companies there were really showing off their latest asphalt road going
SUVs- Nissan, BMW, Volvo, Porsche, etc. , not the off road, mud running
kind.  Even AMG, known for their cranked up MB sedans and coupes, has done
the same to the G90 they had shown at the show.  Maybe LEGO should do as the
big car companies and create their own asphalt running and not the ''made
for mud'' sets that 8466 gives (speaking for myself).

3. Minivan. Probably the most important type of car in the past 20 years. • To
build it, Lego need to rotate the engine, add many sliding, lifting, • moving
doors and many flexible seats. Such a set would have ~1500 pieces as well,
or even more than that.

Now that's an idea I like and should have been built a long time ago.  We're
still a ways off before the SUVs take over the minivan market and I doubt it
ever will.  So I say ''Hey LEGO, how about a minivan for us Technic fans out

Finally, two personal points, which I would like to add here: First, for
about two month I have a huge (75cm), 8 wheels chassis sitting on my Lego
shelves, waiting to be the next ultimate Airtech-something. Now Lego has
it's own first 8 wheeler. Mine, by the way, is a twin-steer chassis, with
all wheels drive (7 differentials!) and independent suspensions. Did I
mentions that is has the 8466 wheels?

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Second, I've already started collecting parts for my version of
all-pneumatics Backhoe... Nice to find out that Lego is doing what I'm
expecting it to do. Now I'm waiting for the family car and minivan. In the
meanwhile I'll have a few of those 8454 and 8455.


Avi Parvin

Message is in Reply To:
Hello all, After reading all the threads of the original message, I would like to contribute my 2 cents, (before I’ll gladly give them, along with few hundred dollars more to Lego). 8454 – Funny how the more ugly set got more responds than the other (...) (22 years ago, 6-Jan-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic)

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