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Technic in the 2003 Pitsco Catalog
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:52:49 GMT
Adrian Egli <adr.egli@att.netANTISPAM>
547 times
Just checked the mailbox and in it was the 2003 Pitsco. As usual w/ Pitsco,
prices are a bit high, but hey. In past editions, pages showing parts most
often were just drawings w/ no color to them. Well that's changed (about
time); you get to see the color of what you get in the packet shown.

Technic beam selection is quite good, 1x2s through 1x16s (no 14s) are
available in black all of which sell for 8.99 (number per bag can range from
60 1x2s to 10 1x16s). The regular red and blue Technic beam packs are
availble too. Bulldozer chain links and smaller ones are still available,
number per hasn't changed (36 and 108) but prices have, $7.99 per bag.
Gears, turntables, pneumatic parts (small cylinders) are still available but
the pack they had last year w/ the larger cylinders is out. Another packet
w/ the larger cylinders is shown but w/ a message noting limited quanties.
One nice edition are the Technic clutch gears and they're $12.99 for a bag
of 10.

MindStorms fans are in the clear. RCXs, sensors, motors, etc. that you need
they still have.

Hope the info is useful.

Adrian Egli

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Technic in the 2003 Pitsco Catalog
<<snip>> (...) Very much so, thanks! Best regards, /Tobbe (URL) SPAM when e-mailing) (22 years ago, 8-Jan-03, to lugnet.technic)

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