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 Technic / 8127
  Advance Technic Car + Remote Control Car
It seems that a lot of people here, did this already. I have 8448, and I really wonder which extra set that would be a good combo to make my 8448 as a remote control car. Some people did this with Mindstorm, but I read a couple post below that you (...) (22 years ago, 11-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Advance Technic Car + Remote Control Car
Installing motors into an 8448 is simple. In fact, they make room for 2 motors. (one in the front, one in the back). If you want to add the third and keep the gull wing doors, you'll have to do some modification, but not too much, to fit 2 motors (...) (22 years ago, 11-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Advance Technic Car + Remote Control Car
(...) Perhaps I could help a bit here from first-hand experience with the 8466. After much debate, I had decided not to buy the RC car (129.99) for motorizing the 8466. So instead I tried it with the rcx and/or standard battery pack (as seen in (...) (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)

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