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 Technic / 7553
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BrickFest 2002 reminder
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 15:58:40 GMT
1502 times
This is a quick reminder that the initial registration deadline is rapidly

If you haven't made up your mind yet, now's the time!

BrickFest 2002 will be even better this year with lots of Technic and
Mindstorms related activities going on.

There will be some important presentations on subjects ranging from Model
Design to LegOS (or whatever its name will be changed to).

There will be all sorts of interesting hands-on demonstrations of the latest
developments in both Lego Technic and Mindstorms robotic wizardry.

And there will be competitions with some useful prizes too! Check out;

So if you're on the fence, jump off! Go visit and browse
around to find out what's on offer. You'll be amazed at how far some people
are travelling just to be there to meet you! What are you waiting for,
register today! :)

See you there.


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