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 Technic / 13579
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Re: Cable Operated Shovel
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 22:12:30 GMT
3334 times
In lugnet.technic, Vineet Honkan wrote:
It looks great! Where do you get all these lego parts? Don't they cost an arm
and a leg?

Thank you!  Most of my inventory was purchased by my parents in the 80's when i
was a kid ;).  When I re-discovered legos as a hobby I started buying new ones,
I'd say over the last year I've spent about 500$.  I just purchase them at local
toy stores.  A really good set for building large models is the Mega-Block
Aircraft carrier.  It comes with thousands of grey bricks and is a steal for
50$.  Most of the body of my model as well as the boom are built with them, I
simply build the inside of what I want with the mega blocks and then used white
and blue legos on the outside to make it look "painted".  Right now I am not
sure exactly how many pieces I have but my collection wieghs a little over

Thanks for your feedback!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Cable Operated Shovel
It looks great! Where do you get all these lego parts? Don't they cost an arm and a leg? (20 years ago, 21-Jan-05, to lugnet.technic)

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