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 Technic / 1211
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Re: Lego sources in Canada
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:21:47 GMT
1199 times
In lugnet.technic, Rob Stehlik writes:
Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there has found a good place to buy lego
sets and parts in Canada. I want to buy several parts such as pneumatics and
turntables, but Dacta does not ship to Canada! Also, one of these days, I want
to buy a super car set, but buying one on ebay and shipping it to Canada would
be very pricey. Are there any other Canadian Lego maniacs out there???

Can't help too much with the retail technic, but for the Dacta line, you can
order a catalogue from Spectrum (their URL escapes me right now, but you can
order the catalogue on-line)


[x-posted to]

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Lego sources in Canada
(...) You can order it, but don't necessarily expect them to send you one as a result :-) Best bet is to call one of their regional reps and ask for a catalog - that gt me one within days. If you email me where you are I'll send you the rep's phone (...) (25 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to lugnet.technic,
  Re: Lego sources in Canada
James Brown wrote in message ... (...) can (...) can (...) I ordered a catalogue on-line from here: (URL) Technic Dacta sets and parts (including Mindstorms), you would want to order the Math/Science/Technology catalogue. Spectrum is the only (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to lugnet.technic,

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego sources in Canada
Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there has found a good place to buy lego sets and parts in Canada. I want to buy several parts such as pneumatics and turntables, but Dacta does not ship to Canada! Also, one of these days, I want to buy a super car (...) (25 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to lugnet.technic)

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