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Re: New LEGO room
Fri, 2 Nov 2012 17:28:34 GMT
528 times
In, David Koudys wrote:

   One of the thoughts was, ‘Hey, if Lar++ (1) ever visits our humble abode for a cuppa LEGO, I’d better be able to easily find what he requested or I’d look the fool!’

Mmmkay! If anyone ever visited my place they’d be appalled at how disorganized it is.

Mostly I’m just in awe of how it’s such a totally over the top use of Visio. :) (which I have used in the past for trying to decide what buildings go where)

FUT storage

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) I should try to find my old EverQuest Ranger Epic Quest visio I made years ago--that one was over the top... But I'd have to search thru many pics.. nm--found it and uploaded to my flickr stream for 'historical reference'-- (URL) that's how (...) (12 years ago, 5-Nov-12, to, FTX)  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) One of the thoughts was, 'Hey, if Lar++ (1) ever visits our humble abode for a cuppa LEGO, I'd better be able to easily find what he requested or I'd look the fool!' No, seriously, it was. With that, and probably more mainly, I'm trying to (...) (12 years ago, 1-Nov-12, to, FTX)  

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