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Re: New LEGO room
Wed, 28 Nov 2012 15:53:21 GMT
30059 times
In, David Koudys wrote:
   In, Reinhard “Ben” Beneke wrote:
   In, Jeff Van Winden wrote:
   I am also using Ikea’s Ivar Shelving for my Lego room, but I saw this image, and I have never seen a Double wide shelf that looks like your building surface.. is it a custome built shelf?

Hi Jeff, that are in fact two simple shelf boards connected by two hinges similar to this:

So that gives a hinge connection which permits to fold the front part of the table down. (There are angle-brackets below, that keep the table in straight position normally, but the brackets can be swung out of position themselves).

Thanks Ben, That makes Since, At first I thought it was an Ikea Product that was not sold in Canada...
   Here are some images of my Lego room (also 1-2 years old..)

Cool! I always love to see how other fans organize their collection. And this looks VERY organized. You could be a German. :-))

Well, he’s dutch so close enuf ;) (oooooh, I’m gonna hear it from the wooden shoe contingent! Oh wait, that’s me as well!!)

Jeff has one of the most thorough and sorted collections I’ve ever seen. It’s a joy to visit and see.
It is also a Joy when other AFOLS come and visit me, Especially by ‘older brother’ Dave :)
Leg Godt!


Dave K

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) Well, he's dutch so close enuf ;) (oooooh, I'm gonna hear it from the wooden shoe contingent! Oh wait, that's me as well!!) Jeff has one of the most thorough and sorted collections I've ever seen. It's a joy to visit and see. (...) Dave K (12 years ago, 28-Nov-12, to, FTX)

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