Re: New LEGO room
Wed, 31 Oct 2012 00:37:42 GMT
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Very nice. I didnt see any pics that showed the ceiling, so I must ask, what
kind of lighting do you have?
I recently organized my LEGO building room. My parts bins are quite different
than yours, but their placement along the perimeter of the wall is very similar.
The problem I have with my lighting is that I have a single dome light fixture
in the center of the ceiling. Anywhere I stand in the room to get parts out of
a bin, I create a shadow on what Im looking at. (The building table is in the
middle of the room, so I have good lighting when actually building something.)
I plan on having 2 sets of fluorescent lights (each set/fixture uses two 4 32
watt lights) installed soon; one near each end of the ceiling. Hopefully this
will give me the kind of light I want.
David Gregory
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: New LEGO room
| (...) The original basement room used recessed lighting. I separated the 4 POTS that are now in the LEGO room from the rest of the basement and threw a separate switch on them. At the same time I was able to add plugs along the new wall. I found a (...) (12 years ago, 31-Oct-12, to, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | New LEGO room
| Y'know, I started the process of actually registering at Eurobricks to post stuff like this but then it hit me--what the h-e-whatevers--why am I not posting on LUGNET?? Am I contributing to the delinquency of this absolutely fantasically historical (...) (12 years ago, 30-Oct-12, to,,, FTX) !
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