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New LEGO room
Tue, 30 Oct 2012 20:21:23 GMT
! (details)
515 times
Y’know, I started the process of actually registering at Eurobricks to post stuff like this but then it hit me--what the h-e-whatevers--why am I not posting on LUGNET?? Am I contributing to the delinquency of this absolutely fantasically historical cyber-LEGO area???? (and I cried a little when that hit me...)

So with much further ado and fanfare, my new LEGO room--

And the layout fo the room--

All pics here--

I know people still read LUGNET--I see the stats per thread. Just not many actually post. I also see the other NG’s having lots of threads and posts and such (like eurobricks and others)... and I find it to be just a wee bit sad (for multitude of reasons) but I (again) will make an honest effort to post LEGO stuff here. I’m doing stuff (time permitting) and I haven’t ‘advertised’ as much as I used to (also sad).

I miss you guys.

Anyway, there you are.

Dave K

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: New LEGO room
Very nice. I didn't see any pics that showed the ceiling, so I must ask, what kind of lighting do you have? I recently organized my LEGO building room. My parts bins are quite different than yours, but their placement along the perimeter of the wall (...) (12 years ago, 31-Oct-12, to, FTX)  
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) That might be just a WEE bit overorganized, that you drew elaborate diagrams ... :) (12 years ago, 1-Nov-12, to, FTX)  
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) Awesome room tour... and I wish more ppl would do that... I love seeing other peoples collections. A good portion of mine is organised very similar to yours. Thanks for sharing, Cheers, Janey "Red Brick" (12 years ago, 6-Dec-12, to, FTX)

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