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 Star Wars / 5438
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Re: Not surprised or disappointed
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 04:36:16 GMT
536 times
In lugnet.starwars, David Simmons writes:
While it is a shame we won't see the original Trilogy on DVD anytime soon, I
could care less about the Phantom Menace.  I thought the film was a total
letdown character, story, and mythology-wise, and really don't care if I
ever see it again.

As others have already pointed out, Lucas has so much money now I'm sure he
really doesn't care what the older fans think.  He knows that Star Wars will
always sell to the kiddies and those adults who have an appreciation for
more cerebral themes in his movies will just have to lump it.


Well as much of a letdown as TPM was when compared to the original trilogy,
I saw on a special last night that it was the top film of the year in ticket
sales and is in the number two spot all time behind that movie with the big
ship. Although the fact that it leads for the year doesn't suprise me, but
the fact that it's #2 all time does. I hadn't heard this before last night.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Not surprised or disappointed
(...) Really? It was well publicized... Each week they would announce how far up the list it had gotten, and people were taking bets on whether or not it would out-do Titanic... :) -- -Bones- = (URL) = NecroBones Enterprises Jonathan Little wrote in (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Not surprised or disappointed
While it is a shame we won't see the original Trilogy on DVD anytime soon, I could care less about the Phantom Menace. I thought the film was a total letdown character, story, and mythology-wise, and really don't care if I ever see it again. As (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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