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 Star Wars / 4571
4570  |  4572
Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 17:36:36 GMT
566 times
On 11/16/1999, at 11:40 AM, Eric Kingsley wrote:

In lugnet.starwars, Christopher Tracey writes:
A friend that works at TRU checked the inventory computers and the new
Star Wars sets are in the system.  They are not at the warehouse and
stores yet, but it should be realativity soon.

The prices are:

7144  Slave I           19.99
7134  A-Wing Figher     14.99
7124  Flash Speeder      9.99
7115  Gungan Patrol      9.99
7104  Desert Skiff       5.99
7180  B-Wing Fighter    29.99

Huh?  I would agree with all of these except Slave I and the B-Wing just • from
their size and set numbers I would have guessed 29.99 for Slave I and at • least
49.99 for the B-Wing because it has that big maintenance thingy.

Yes, I would have also guessed $50. on the B-Wing, but the $20 Slave I
was already confirmed by the mini catalog on

along with all except the B-wing & skiff


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO
(...) You know I actually looked at the mini catalog and somehow I totally spaced the prices. I would say that I am very happy with the prices for the Star Wars sets and I hope it translates over to the other themes. The Star Wars sets seem to be (...) (25 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to lugnet.starwars,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO
(...) Huh? I would agree with all of these except Slave I and the B-Wing just from their size and set numbers I would have guessed 29.99 for Slave I and at least 49.99 for the B-Wing because it has that big maintenance thingy. Well I hope you are (...) (25 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to lugnet.starwars,

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