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 Star Wars / 16721
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Re: David S Griffith (aka Clone Wars Designer)
Wed, 2 Jun 2004 02:52:42 GMT
2040 times
In lugnet.starwars, Amado C. Pinlac wrote:

As much as I’m tempted to rebuke your post, I chose not to.

AC Pin

ACPin & Sons,

As much as I’m tempted to rebuke your post about how you’re such a saint because you didn’t rebuke my post, I chose not to because you suck way too much and there will just never be any point.

Never again will I attempt to constructively criticize your posting methods. I look forward to enjoying your daily MOC and self-spotlights until the end of time.

   [ j o n ]

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: David S Griffith (aka Clone Wars Designer)
Jon, As much as I'm tempted to rebuke your post, I chose not to. AC Pin (21 years ago, 2-Jun-04, to lugnet.starwars, FTX)

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