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Re: Anakin's Jedi Starfighter
Newsgroups:, lugnet.starwars
Fri, 19 Sep 2003 13:58:51 GMT
147 times
In, Gil Shaw wrote:
   In, Aaron Sneary wrote:
   In the June ToyFare magazine, there was a small picture labeled Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter from an upcoming animated series:

I knew I had to build one. I started with the original Jedi Starfighter frame, but quickly abandoned the original to tackle the stripes:

Here are the other pictures:
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Aaron Sneary

This is a neat little job, Aaron. It’s difficult to coach a ‘hunched’ shape out of the brick, yet you’ve done a great job of it here. The colour scheme is unique a good way, of course.

Another fine example of how a smaller MOC can incorporate the detailed planning and execution of a larger project.

Good stuff.

Cheers, -Gil

Gil, thanks for the kudos! The multiple slopes of the craft were hard enough without the stripes, but fortunately I had recently acquired the RoboBots and Flyers designer sets, and had a great deal of will to finish this before someone else built it.

I actually didn’t put a lot of planning into it. Other than building the MINI version first, which really wasn’t helpful in building the minifig scale version, and glancing at the instruction booklet from the original JSF, I just sat with the photo in front of me and put on a high energy movie to keep me moving.

Glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully we’ll see this baby in CG on the big screen in a year or two...

Aaron S

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Anakin's Jedi Starfighter
(...) This is a neat little job, Aaron. It's difficult to coach a 'hunched' shape out of the brick, yet you've done a great job of it here. The colour scheme is unique a good way, of course. Another fine example of how a smaller MOC can (...) (21 years ago, 19-Sep-03, to, lugnet.starwars, FTX)

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