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 Star Wars / 13329
13328  |  13330
Re: Replica of Count Dooku's lightsaber
Mon, 27 May 2002 03:25:10 GMT
737 times
This is a well-crafted worked out the curve and the detail of
the saber in a very elegant way. I'm really impressed.

Thanks, although maybe nota s well crafted as it may seem, it tends to fall
apart if you swing it vigourously ;)

I looked at your other stuff, too, by the way! Great models!:)

Thanks again Joe, I appreciate the comments =^)

Joe Meno


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Replica of Count Dooku's lightsaber
(...) Make it a static model;) Joe (23 years ago, 28-May-02, to lugnet.starwars)

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  Re: Replica of Count Dooku's lightsaber
(...) This is a well-crafted worked out the curve and the detail of the saber in a very elegant way. I'm really impressed. I looked at your other stuff, too, by the way! Great models!:) Joe Meno (23 years ago, 26-May-02, to lugnet.starwars)

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