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Re: Review: 7127 AT-ST
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:03:35 GMT
819 times
Mark Sandlin wrote:

-Leg motion is awkward, can't pose legs in more than one position or the
model falls over.

a few modifications help a lot.  whoever designed the legs on this thing
must have been trying to make it hard to stand.

-This isn't a very nice looking set. I think form was sacrificed in the
name of price point and leg-moving action.

I think it looks pretty good, for the most part.

-What's up with all the multicolored parts? Brown feet? Tan "knees?" Red
1x1 Technic Beams? Blue half-pegs? Yellow 2x3 brick? This thing is
supposed to be gray from head to toe.

well, the primary colors are not very visible, thanks to the 4x4 radar
dishes on the sides.  I don't mind the brown feet.. it probably stepped
in a patch of mud somewhere. :)

The yellow 2x3 is pretty silly, but I don't mind the rest.

The blue Technic half-pegs might come in handy, but I can't understand
why they would use them in this particular model.

What sane person who has to worry about manufacturing costs would think
"Hmm.. I'm going to model something which is entirely grey, and I'm
going to use a piece which is normally made only in grey.. I know, I'll
use blue!"

Tim Buchheim

Message is in Reply To:
  Review: 7127 AT-ST
Hi Everyone, I got the 7127 AT-ST set today, so I'm gonna give you my 2 Imperial Credits on it. The Good: -Good play value from a kid perspective. Guns swivel, hatch opens so you can even make the fig stand and poke his head out, legs move. -Parts, (...) (24 years ago, 13-Dec-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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