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 Space / 8467
  Re: Now THIS is classic space!
Paul, great stuff. From the sounds of things, you've hit upon a whole new side to space Lego and beat the rest of us to making something of it. I just came up with the idea of a big, campy red-and-white-checkered rocket ship (kind of like the Tintin (...) (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to
  Re: Now THIS is classic space!
(...) There are at least a couple of other people working on this style of rocketship, too - Sean Forbes & Wayne Hussey. I started working on this before I saw either of those, however. There must be something in the air that we all get the same (...) (24 years ago, 24-Apr-01, to
  Captain Crash teaser (Was Re: Now THIS is classic space!)
(...) Or in the water. Or maybe it's subliminal communist messages on T.V.? I'm actally glad that you posted your before I finished mine. As mine is the smallest of the three I've seen (did I mention that Wayne's is SIX FREAKING FEET TALL?) I was (...) (24 years ago, 24-Apr-01, to
  Re: Captain Crash teaser (Was Re: Now THIS is classic space!)
(...) Yeah, that's it! (...) Wayne's is indeed impressive - but I think a cleverly designed smaller model can be equally impressive. It's harder to have a nice shape or to fit all the features into a smaller model. For these reasons, I'm really (...) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to
  Re: Captain Crash teaser (Was Re: Now THIS is classic space!)
(...) Well, maybe if you count the antenna, but yeah. Here's a pic: (URL) in mind that I'm 6'3", that's a big rocket! ~Grand Admiral Muffin Head (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to
  Re: Now THIS is classic space!
(...) I saw Wayne's, and was astounded. I hope to make something similar in the future. George (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to
  Re: Captain Crash teaser (Was Re: Now THIS is classic space!)
(...) Awesome. I can't wait for the comic! I made one also, but mine is much smaller (and funky colored 8-)... -- dataAndrew (URL) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to
  Re: Captain Crash teaser (Was Re: Now THIS is classic space!)
(...) Ah but you're wearing SHOES! adding at least four inches to your height :*P Besides, I like dealing in round numbers, they won't let me play with angular ones as I might put my eye out. ;*) Sean (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to
  Re: Captain Crash teaser (Was Re: Now THIS is classic space!)
(...) Too true. In fact, after reading a "Might have been" short story on Goddard and his experiments in "Liquid Fuel Rockets", I've planned out a whole new engine compartment. (...) Well, it looks like the "little bit of sorting" turned out to be a (...) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to

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